
Electronic Communication Policy

This document contains important information regarding communication with ULTIweb Technologies and/or its Employees in electronic including but not limited to Emails, WhatsApp and Text Messages.
  1. The information contained in an e-mail sent using domains of ULTIweb Technologies Pvt Ltd, is intended only for the use of the individuals or entities to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you should return the message to the sender immediately. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking any action in reliance upon the information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited, and all liability arising therefore is disclaimed.

  2. While all e-mails are scanned for viruses, no guarantee can be provided that any e-mail is virus-free, and no liability shall be accepted for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by any e-mail. Please be aware that the entire content of any e-mail, and replies to it, may be monitored by us for quality assurance, policy compliance and/or security reasons.

  3. Any communications unless explicitly accepted over a written agreement and communicated over Email officially and worked upon shall not be treated as contribution and/or effort of work by ULTIweb Technologies and/or its Employees. You Clearly understand and agree that the information that you’re sharing over the medium including but not limited to Email, WhatsApp Message and Text message are completely legal and ethical in reliance with Government of India and the country which you belong to. In an event that you have published an information which is unethical and/or Illegal, you clearly accept and agree to take full responsibility of the consequences arising out of it.

  4. ULTIweb Technologies follows 0 tolerance policy and any deviation to the above-mentioned policy along with the SLA signed (if applicable) shall be treated as breach of trust and ULTIweb Technologies holds all rights to cancel and terminate the service immediately without prior notice.

  5. You further clearly understand, accept and agree and self-declare digitally to abide by all the Government Rules and Regulations to ensure the communication and/or the business opportunity that you are bring forward is legitimate, valid and ethical and upon any deviation, you shall be taking the complete responsibility of the situation that might arise out of it.

ULTIweb Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

ULTIweb Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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